If you like the hat that I made for my daughter and want the same, I accept your orders. Just drop me a line in the comments.
I continue with my iPhone programming learning, although quite slowly.. I do have some projects that I would love to realize, but haven't had the time to sit down and start yet, because I started attending a course for the sailboat license. It keeps me quite busy, with one evening class every week and some practice hours on the boat whenever we get the chance. I would love to take my exam before the end of June, if possible.. It is so much fun!! But there is a lot to learn. Especially the terminology, in Italian, is killing me..
My stomach has created a lot of problems for me lately and I am on medication since many weeks. I have lost a couple of kilograms and hope to continue this way, not that I need to, but I want to. I try to keep fit with occasional runs, walks and cycling. I even attended the Guarda Firenze run/fitwalking on Mother's Day with my kids...
That's all for now. Let's see when I will manage to write next time :-)