
Monday, July 23, 2007

An entrepreneur is born

Since yesterday my little daughter decided to earn some money and began working (!). She decided to sell her drawings and paintings :-) Her first exhibition was on the coffee table in our living room. She put little labels on each painting with the price in Euro. Some paintings had two labels with two different prices. We asked her why they had two different prices. 'The buyer can choose which price to pay', was her answer :-) She first forced my mother to buy two paintings. Then my husband bought 5 paintings, so she was very happy. I bought one only, and she gave me another one as gift, since she had to open more space on the table to put more paintings :-) After selling each piece she sat down and 'produced' more to sell. She even 'ordered' one painting to my mother, told her what to paint and where on the paper, and when the work was done she added also that one to her collection on the table with a price tag: 100 Euro! :-) In the afternoon when my in-laws paid a short visit to us they couldn't escape the 'pressure' and bought two paintings, one of which was the one that my mother made (no, they didn't pay 100 Euro, they did a hard bargain and ended up paying a few Euros only). Right now my little one is waiting in the garden, her paintings in her hand, that our neighbor downstairs returns home from her daily jogging tour so that she can sell some paintings also to her.... When we ask her what she will do with all that money she says that she will put some in her bank account, and she will buy ice-cream and frozen yogurt with the rest...


  1. Tebrikler Iris'e!!Biliyosun adam olacak cocuk bokundan belli olurmus;cocuktaki girisimci ruhunu ve ticari zekasini asla koreltmeyin derim ben size ebeveyn olarak.hem ayrica sanata paha bicmek kolay mi ki 100Euro ile dalga geciyosun,kuzencim;biliyosun bu gun milyonlarla satan sanatcilar bir zamanlar ekmek parasina tablo satmislardi!!!

  2. Dogru soze ne denir ;-) Zaten benim kizim buyuyunce ressam olucam diyor, olsun, bence mahzuru yok. Parasiz kalirsa simdi kazandiklarindan yer :-P

  3. Büyüklerin göze batacak derecede mühim ve kuvvetli icraatları çocukların oyunlarından ne derece ayrı görülürse görünsün mahiyet itibariyle bu iki faaliyette bir yakınlık vardır.

    Kum yığını üzerinde hiçbir yardım görmeden saatlerce uğraşan, düşünen ve neticede bağlar, bahçeler, evler, dereler v.s. yapan çocuğun hareketiyle, mesela bir mimarın, bir sanatkarın hareketleri arasında mahiyet farkı yoktur, ancak derece farkı vardır. Zira bunların her ikisi de düşüncelerini harice en iyi şekilde aksettirmek ve en iyi şekilde gerçekleştirmek ister.

    Çocuk, oyunlar vasıtasiyle, özellikle yapıcılık oyunları vasıtasiyle olgun olmayan halden, yani çocukluktan gittikçe uzaklaşır ve gittikçe yaratıcı bir insan olmak kabiliyetini kazanır.

    Dr.Halil Fikret Kanad, Ailede Cocuk Terbiyesi, 1976, sf.58

    :-) Iris'e tebrikler...
