Once upon a time in a country far far away there was this 50 year old child. He was bragging about being a communications and public relations expert, but was full of bull. He had this blog where he claimed to be doing a 'service' for the big country that he was living in (which was not his own) because he was bringing people with different views on issues related to that country. He was preaching that freedom of speech was the most important thing on earth, and that country did not give that right to his people. That he was open to different ideas.... Bull, bull, and even more bull... One day one of his co-authors, the one who was always not only cleaning up the mess of his blog and his English, but also editing his articles for online dailies, did the mistake of criticizing him. Oh my God! What a mistake it was! His highness preached about freedom of speech but not everybody was entitled to have that freedom! How could a co-author criticize him??? He was the infallible, the one who was always right, the one who knew everything, the ultimate one. He could easily point out when some person was writing sensational posts in his blog, but when his co-author said the same thing about him he just couldn't take it. He got very pissed off. Began insulting the co-author. Sent threatening short messages to her mobile phone. Left threatening voice-messages claiming that she had blocked him from his own blog!! He was so ignorant that he didn't know that a co-author has no administrative rights on a blog other than posting. In the mean time the co-author did not even respond to his rootless claims and threats. She just canceled her authorship from the blog of that arrogant child and left. The threats lasted two days. After some time the arrogant blog-owner who could not tolerate to be criticized and therefore was spreading nonsense rumors about his co-author, sent a message of apology to the mobile phone of the co-author saying that he was wrong in thinking that she had blocked him from his own blog. She did not respond to that message either. Some weeks passed after these episodes until someone on his blog has asked him what happened to the co-author, why she is not posting any more. And the shameless arrogant child who claimed to be an expert in communications answered, lying: "She could not handle some critics and as a co administrator, before she left, she took all my administrator features away. So I can not change one thing on this blog." Lie no.1: It was not she who couldn't handle critics but him. Lie no. 2: She was not a co-admin but a co-author of that blog. The x-co-author had no idea how the arrogant communications expert had lost his admin privileges on his own blog, all she could do was guess. He was either too high or too drunk to remember what he had done that day and did something wrong while he was playing with the settings of his blog.. She could not believe the ease the 50 year old child was lying about things and spreading lies about someone who had done nothing but helped him in the past (which she regretted dearly). The x-co-author had a clean conscience knowing that her only mistake was having helped someone she did not know well. All she wanted was that her name and e-mail address were removed from the blog of the arrogant 50 year old child....
The lessons we get from this fairy-tale:
- Never help people that you do not very well, on internet.
- Stay away from people who claim to be communication experts. They can be experts in lying.
- Never believe in everything you read in a blog/comments of a blog without questioning the facts it claims to be giving. If these 'facts' are about 'people', ask those 'people' first before making judgments about them. There can be a totally different story behind the so-called facts that are offered to you.
Disclaimer: As the title says this is a fairy tale, told to give some lessons. Any resemblance to actual people or events are only coincidental.
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