
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Croissant with Nutella

This weekend I baked croissant with Nutella twice, once for breakfast and once as an afternoon snack. It is so easy to prepare these delicious snacks that I wanted to share it here with you. All you need is a piece of round butter dough (here in Italy you find it in every supermarket fresh or frozen, I prefer the fresh one) and a bottle of Nutella.
Cut the dough in 12 equal slices and place a small amount of Nutella at the base of each piece with the help of two coffee spoons.
Roll each piece gently.
Close the ends of each croissant so that Nutella does not run out during baking.
Bake in a preheated oven at 180°C for about 12/15 minutes.
Let the mini croissants cool down for about 10 minutes. Then  cover with powder sugar. Buon appetito!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


This week seems to be very promising on the 'work' front.. I was busy preparing the answers to the exercises that I will be doing with the engineering kids at the university next week when I found an email from my former boss asking whether I would be interested in something new and exciting. I would love that, but right now I cannot work full-time programming.. Especially writing programs in something that I don't really have a grip on. Yes, I can always sit down and get my hands dirty, but I am already doing that in a totally different area, for a totally different architecture. Namely I am learning iOS programming lately and I am really enjoying it. Plus I have the Matlab course at the university that I am assisting.. Plus I am organizing a knitting course.. On the top of everything, yesterday someone asked me whether I would be interested in helping in a project between Italians & Turks as an interpreter, which I would definitely evaluate... And today I found some messages from a dear friend of mine in Skype asking whether I would consider helping her & a friend in putting their web site in shape. Sure I would do that, too! Of course we should not forget about my duties as the mother of two little kids, driving them back and forth, cooking, organizing, cleaning, washing... Nowadays I feel like an octopus, yes that is what I am, a multi-processing octopus :-)

Thursday, October 6, 2011

I am hungry. I am foolish. iSad...

We woke up to the news of Steve Jobs' death this morning. I felt like I have lost someone from the family. Such a brain, such a character......

I remember the first time I had touched an Apple product. I was studying at the university in Istanbul, in late 80s and we were given programming assignments, each assignment on a different type of computer. After an assignment on the CDC Cyber, and one on an 8086 PC the next assignment was to be done on the original Macintosh. It looked like a little rectangular box, with a small screen on it. We were all so excited about using a Macintosh...

That summer while I was doing my stage at the computer center of a major Turkish newspaper I was lucky enough to work on a Macintosh II. It was the desktop publishing era and we were using Apple specific programs like QuarkXpress. Great graphics, lots of colors, working on the Macintosh was fun.

Some years later when I was in Norway I had met newer Apple Macintosh products through one of my boy friends who loved graphics and music, and used Macintosh computers and their specific software in his projects.

I had always seen Apple computers as nice, sweet toys with their limited software bundle, but never thought that they would be appropriate for me to use them. I loved Unix, later Linux. I didn't even use Windows operating system, it was for people that had no idea about computers, just were users. For me Apple computers were also for users only, not for us computer scientists that new the hardware, and the programming and the 1s and 0s of computers... Until (nearly) 5 years ago when I got my first MacBook Pro. It was love at first sight! The operating system, software, design, capacity... everything was perfect. I can do my work, do creative stuff, anything I want. Right now I am writing this post on my new MacBook Pro that I got this spring, and there is no way back, it will be Mac forever for me.

Not only Mac, but I own an iPod nano (must be either the 2nd or 3rd generation), iPod touch and an iPad. I love Apple products so much that I am studying iOS programming lately. I would love to write my own apps. Needless to say our kids are Apple product freaks as well ;-)


Steve Jobs left us too early. May he rest in peace.... And we should all "Stay hungry. Stay foolish."

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Knitting course

I am organizing a knitting course for beginners! If you are in/around Florence, Italy, in October, don't miss it ;-)

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