
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This week..

I am back from a week's vacation at La Villa, Bolzano. We had a wonderful week with sunny days, snowy mountains, good food and lots of relaxation.

I am reading The man who counted by Malba Tahan. Malba Tahan is the pseudo name used by the Brazilian mathematician and author Julio César de Mello e Souza. It is a collection of mathematical problems, puzzles and curiosities embedded in tales. I strongly recommend it to all lovers of mathematics and non, the ones who enjoy solving logical puzzles and stuff like sudoku. You can find more about the book in another blog post here. I intend to read other books of the same author afterwards and I would love to make my daughter read this book in a year or two.

I have to tidy my house and do a lot of ironing.

I noticed that spring is coming. The supermarket shelves are more colorful now with the first strawberries (God knows where they are imported from), and there are already the big bags of charcoal for the weekend BBQ. The first signs of spring for me, however, have always been the daisies in our garden and they are there since a couple of weeks now.

I am very excited about the job offer that I got, but I cannot fully believe it until I sign the contract :-)

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