
Friday, November 30, 2007

Magical days...

- It is that time of the year again.... We have to be creative! Creative in gift ideas, creative in decorating the tree, creative in finding the right food to prepare... I have a love-and-hate relationship with Christmas. I love to see all the streets with beautiful lights, the shops full of red and green stuff, people walking hastily from shop to shop trying to find that special gift for a loved one.. But I hate that I should sit and be 'creative' again in finding the right gifts for everybody. Tell me, what shall I buy for my in-laws??? What can you buy for people that have everything and that really don't have a special need or a hobby?? My father-in-law likes hunting, cooking and gardening.. Some instruments for gardening: bought, cooking utensils and books: bought, special clothes for hunting: bought already. What is left there to buy? My mother-in-law does not have any hobbies at all, also due to some problems she has she cannot knit or do other handcrafts either. She doesn't cook, it is the father who usually does the cooking. She has only her gym hours, that's all. We have bought things for a nice and comfortable bath, pullovers, candle holders, electronic photo frame (I know, not personal enough the last two). And this year?? I am really out of ideas. Oh, I shouldn't forget that I have also a brother-in-law and his wife to think about... nightmare.... What do you buy for people that you see less than five times a year??

It is very easy to choose for the kids, on the other hand. My daughter has already written her letter to Santa Claus with a loooong list of toys&co. that she would like to receive. My son is too little to even think about gifts but he is crazy for toy cars, so that is easy...

When it comes to my mother, sister and other close relatives from 'my side', I have already found the right gifts, packed them and placed them in my mother's luggage to be taken to Istanbul.

- My daughter told me a few days ago that some kids in her class don't believe in Santa Claus. They have told her that it is the parents that buy all those gifts for their children. She asked me: "But is there really a Santa Claus?". I asked back: "Do you believe in him?". She said: "Yes". "Then Santa Claus really exists", I said. "But then why do those children say that he doesn't exist??". I said: "It must be because they don't believe in magic, but you do, so Santa Claus exists".

- Yesterday morning my daughter lost another tooth. This morning, in the little tooth box that she had put her tooth in and placed under her pillow, she found two 2-euro coins! "It must be because I lost two teeth recently", she said :-) In fact, one of them was from her grandmother and only one was from the little mouse a.k.a. mother ;-) She was so worried that she would lose it on the Christmas night, because what if Santa Claus and the little mouse arrived at the same second and one was afraid of the other and ran away without leaving gifts/money??? :-) Luckily it didn't happen, she was relieved :-)


  1. The world would be a better place if everyone believed in the magical appeal and the innocence that kids have, until they become adults, and stop believing.

    Should I send you the list of things I want from Santa (I mean you) since I am an adult now, and ever since I've moved away from my parent's house, the tooth I left under my pillow was recently thrown away by the cleaning lady . . . undoubtedly the tooth witch!!!

    Wait till she tries to cash the check I wrote her . . . minus the $1 deduction for the 'tooth fairy' clause.

  2. Iris! Do not believe in flying old men!!
    Never :P....
    Magic: yes, cicciotto volante: no

    Topolino ile Noel baba arasinda kurulan baglanti ve yazdigi senaryoya ikimiz de hayran kaldik! Cocuk olmak bu kadar guzel birsey. Kocaman opucukler o guzel kiza : )

  3. Iris'in masumiyeti de birgun sona erecek :))))ama onu izlemek ne hos:))))Bence sen birer mendil al icine lokum koy:))) turk usulu bir noel hediyesi olsun bu yil da:)agizlari tatlansin ayol :)))))Sen daha pratik olmayi ogrenemedin mi;Bu kadar kendini yormaya degmiyor hic kimse ve hic bir sey unutma kuzencim :))))

  4. cok zor gercekten hediye isi. ben artik hevesimi yitirdim. insan huyunu, zevkini bildigi insanlara zevkle hediye aliyor, cunku biliyorsun ki onlar icin aldigin o hediyeye bayilacaklar. ama ne sevdigini, ne istedigini bilmedigim insanlara artik cok da kisisel hediyeler almiyorum. ne bileyim, herkesin hosuna gidebilecek, icinde biraz da benim zevkimi barindiran orijinal bir mumluk turunde seylere kaydim ben coktan. cunku yoruldum, zor zar arayip buldugum hediyeleri begenmeyen o yuzleri gormekten.

    bu arada, kizin cok tatli! ne guzel endiseleri var oyle :)

  5. Metin: you know what? Last Thursday one thing that worried my daughter was the possibility of her tooth being thrown away by the cleaning lady! Luckily (for her, not for me) the cleaning lady called sick and didn't come, so that problem was also solved :-)

    B5: I am happy that Iris cannot read English yet ;-) Let her believe as long as she wants to in the flying fat old man and the magical mice... Adult life is too cruel, and she has no way to escape that one.

    Melek:cim, kuzencim, ayol mendile lokum koyup da insanciklari seker krizine mi sokayim?? Sonra kim bakacak cocuklarima ben kocacimla dunyayi gezerken? ;-) Mantikli olmak lazim, di mi anacim? :-P

    Müzi: Hediye isi gercekten cok zor. Beni sinir eden kayinvalideleri de ben dusunuyorum, kocam dusunse ya :-) Ona 'annenlere ne alicaz?' demeyeyim, aninda 'dur lutfen beni strese sokma, ay basima agri girdi simdi' oluyor :-P Sevdigim insanlara hediye almak bir zevk. Kayinvalideleri sevmiyor degilim, ama herseyleri var ve hobileri yok. Yani cok cok zor gercekten....

    Kizima iltifat edenlere de tesekkurler, ama haklisiniz valla, cok tatlidir, ayni annesi :-PPPP

  6. ne cahilsin kizim yaaaa:)))) sugar free lokumlar da var :))))ama sen dusun bakalim senin basina girsin agrilar :)))) kustum bak haberin olsun:))))bir daha parlak fikirlerimi seninle paylasmicam ona gore :)))))

  7. yaaa....bende istiyorum shu sugar free lokumlardan.

    walla...burda mendil icinde birisine hediye versem . . . sonuch ne olur bilmem . . .

    But that's what I want this year Yasemin . . .

    Sugar Free Lokum(s)!!!


  8. Melosum, kuzenim, sen yok musun sen, sen bi tanesin valla, hay aklinla bin yasa :-) Ben daha senin kadar cin fikirli olamadim yaa, kusuruma bakma :-P Sen yaz yaz, feyz ver bana :-PP

    Metin, I was only thinkinggg... where I could find the handkerchief big enough to wrap your sugar free lokum(s) :-PPPPP

  9. ohhhh!!!!canima deysin !!!!sen benim fikrimi begenmedin ama bak nasil da taliplisi cikti :))))tabii sen benim gibi cin fikirli olamazsin;ben turkiye 'de yasamaya devam ediyorum;turkish bir koca ve kaynana eskittim;ve takvim yasim senden buyuk:)))))
    bu arada METIN sana da tesekkurler;benim lokum fikrime gosterdigin ilgi icin;

  10. Melek Hanim,

    Cok tesekkurler iltifatiniz icin.

    Bu arada cok ayip oluyor, bende arada kaliyorum ...

    'takvim yasim senden buyuk' deyince ne demek istediginide

    Some of us are young at heart!!!

