
Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Rose, vino e pane

Rose, vino e pane (roses, wine and bread) was the theme of the weekend in San Casciano, a little village near Florence. The narrow streets of the village was filled with different kinds of roses, in all colors, for sale. I chose a beautiful little bush of white roses to take home and place next to our other roses by the gazebo. The stands of the local bakeries with their delicious cookies, cakes, bread and other types of pastry were placed side by side with those of the rose cultivators and wine producers. We tasted (and bought) a couple of cookies. I also bought and ate immediately 4 pieces of delicious fried pastry, mmmm :-) Gabriele tasted some Chianti and wanted to buy some bottles but to our surprise they were not for sale, only for tasting... strange.

Walking lazily on the streets of San Casciano, shopping a little, chatting a little, enjoying the sun, then later in the evening a barbecue dinner under the gazebo... This is what we did on Sunday with our visitors from Sweden on their last day here in Florence. They arrived late Thursday evening. On Friday we strolled around Florence center. Saturday was relaxing; leaving the kids with their fathers at home, me and my friend went to the supermarket, and afterwards took something to drink at a cafe... This was the top of everything for me because I miss doing simple things with old friends, like going for a walk, window-shopping, chatting over a cup of tea. When you meet an old friend even after a long time, you just pick up where you had left and continue as if you were never separated. You don't have to pretend anything, don't have to re-introduce yourself, don't have to weigh your words and sentences too much before uttering them.. It is not the same with new friends, the ones that you have met after your thirties, the ones with which you have not shared years in high-school or university, the ones with which you didn't cook together in a dormitory, the ones who don't know your family, your x-es, your past... (When does a new friend become an old friend?? Can all the new friends become old friends one day??)

I wish I had more of my old friends visiting me...


  1. i know this feeling. this great easiness of starting from wherever you have left with your old friends. i agree, conversations are always simple with old friends. words just follow each other. talking about the old days, other friends and laughing over the same things even after years... these are the things that you can do just with old friends... these are the people who know your past and present, with whom you talk effortlessly... and that feeling of lightness after such a conversation. old friends are precious...

  2. Merhabalar,
    Artik gune senin blogunu ziyaretle baslamak benim icin aliskanlik oldu.Hem kendimi seninle hissediyorum,taze haberler ve duygular,hem de seni okumak hosuma gidiyor;dedim ya,guzel yaziyorsun.Eski arkadaslar konusunda seni o kadar iyi anliyorum ki...20yil sonra yuvaya donup eski arkadaslarla kontakt kurup....Ortak bir yasanmislik bence arkadaslikta cok onemli.ortak hafiza ,ne biliyim iste.Hele kirkindan sonra,yeni insanlarla ancak,evet efendim,sepet efendim;daha daha nasilsiniz;aaay cok naziksiniz,gibi muhabbetler beni boguyor,kuzencim!!!:))Bir akil ver bana,yol goster,duacin oliim....

  3. muzi: welcome to my blog :-)
    melek: okundugunu, hele hele severek okundugunu bilmek cok guzel :-) eski arkadaslarindan bazilariyla yeniden gorusmeye basladin umarim, di mi? mezunlar derneginden hic birsey cikti mi? haziran sonunda yine talas gunu varmis, benim icin de git n'olur! dun tam arabada giderken telefonum caldi, bi actim bizim liseden sinif arkadasim, haziranin 16sinda 20. mezuniyet yilimizi kutlamak icin birseyler ayarliyorlarmis, cagirdi.. gitmeyi cok isterdim ama mumkun degil... senin boyle seyler icin sansin var, kacirma meloscum.

  4. Yok zaten kacirmiyorum.talas gunune dan takip edebilirsin etkinlikleri.Yavas yavas istanbul'da sosyallesmeye basliyorum.Nezahat vardi benden 2sinif kucuk,maltepeli,obeni buldu.korumasina aldi:))melegi istanbula yeniden adaptasyon operasyonu yapiyor.

  5. Aynisini ben de dusunur oldum bu son yillarda... Neden yeniler boyle degil diye..
    Haydi benim durumum farkli diyelim, sabit kalamiyorum artik yillarca bir yerde, ama dedigine tamamiyle katiliyorum. Ustelik bir eskiler kadar iyi olacak yenileri de istiyorum...
    Peki ya benim icin baskalari böyle dusunuyorsa?...Hmmmmm.

    (Mi pare che le nuove devono meritare qualcosa.... non lo so...)

  6. Ah, unuttum: cicekler cildirmis bu arada, yapraklarla yaristalar sanki :)

  7. melek: sanki nezahati hatirliyor gibiyim, hafif tombisce guleryuzlu bir kiz miydi? Afferim ona, korusun seni tabii ki :P

    b5: cok gezince zor gercekten hayat. Benim de 'eski' arkadaslarim ya Istanbul'da kaldilar (aralarinda ulke degistirenler de oldu benim gibi), ya da Norvec'teler... Ama arada cok ender de olsa 'yeni'lerden de 'eski' kalitesinde birileri cikabiliyor, mesela benim Ozlem'im var :-)

    b5cim cicekleri gormeliydin, enfestiler!!! Ne renkler, ne kokular. Zaten gule bayilirim, cok hos bir cicek, orkide kadar olmasa da ;-)
