
Wednesday, April 4, 2007

The "Bree" in me, Part 2

I told the cleaning lady to vacuum-clean the mattresses of our beds last week. She said 'Sure, I do it from time to time, I can do it also today'. Great. I was in the kitchen, as always, while she was doing the cleaning. I noticed that she didn't go to the storage room where we have the stuff for cleaning and the different pieces of the vacuum cleaner, but I heard the vacuuming in our bedroom.
- She is not vacuuming the mattress with the piece for the floors, is she?
I found myself thinking... Then I waived that question off saying to myself that any person able to use her brain a little bit would not do something so stupid. Well, she turned out to be not one of those people. I found it out on Monday when I told her to vacuum the sofas in the living room with the little piece of the vacuum-cleaner which is made for that purpose, and adding: 'You used that piece to clean our mattresses as well, right?'. The answer was 'No'.

You cannot clean the dust and dog-hair and food rests and whatever else is on the floor with one brush and then use the same brush to clean the mattress that you sleep on for God's sake! This is not cleaning but dirtying the place that you lie down. If I enjoyed sleeping with all the dust of the house I would sleep on the floor.

Yes, I am a cleanliness freak, I accept that. When I go out in one of my balconies I either use some other slippers that are to be used only in that balcony, or clean under my slippers before getting in the house again. I have all kinds of detergents for each bathroom, the kitchen, the refrigerator, the floors etc. The list can be made longer, but enough of that.

However, I think that being a person of order and system is not something so bad after all. For example, I am extremely precise in whatever it is that I do, be it a knitting job or a software that I write. I would sit at my computer for hours in order to make my little piece of program code perfect, or take down a knitting project just for correcting one single loop knitted wrong many lines before, though nobody else but me would recognize the mistake. You can always be sure that you would get my best if I have said that I would do something for you. And this is not bad, is it? :-)


  1. Ben desperate housewives dizisini izlemedim, bahsettigin karekteri de tanimam ama anlasilan tanissak cok iyi arkadas olacakmisiz ;-) Yazdigin hicbirsey yabanci gelmedi bana (hatta ben senden beter de olabilirim sekerim, yazin yaptigimiz camasir suyu muhabbetini hatirlatirim :-) Allahtan benim kiz temizlik yaparken ben evde degilim, kim bilir neler yapiyor. Sonuctan memnunum ya, irdelememeye karar verdim. Yoksa boyle seyler beni de cok sinirlendirir, gordugum an mudahele eder kizarim (Paolo yazik cok cekti benden, ama ogrendi artik, fazla takismiyoruz :)

  2. Ben sizi patakliycam cleaning lady'i buldunuz bir de sikayet ediyorsunuz:P:)
    Yasemin'cigim ben senin bloga giremiyorum evden biliyormusun parental kontrola takiliyorsun. Arkadasimin bilg. girebildim. Bir halledebilsem su problemi:(((

  3. Zeynepcim senin ne tur bir temizlik delisi oldugunu biliyorum ve evet benden betersin, ben artik fazla takmamaya calisiyorum, cocuklar yuzunden mumkun degil asiri temizlik zaten.

    Fulyacim, valla sen de haklisin ;-) Hep diyorum ya Italya bircok yonden Turkiye'yi aratmiyor diye, temizlikci bile bulabiliyoruz bak ;-) Yalniz benim sayfanin neden parental controla takildigini anlayamadim, bir yerlerde yanlis bir kelime mi var acaba??

  4. Sen daha benim annemin evini gormedin ;-) Benimki asiri temizlik degil aslinda, haftada bir kez 3 saat temizleniyor ev, o kadar. Benimki titizlik tertip duzen takintisi. Bir de kullandigim esyalarin temiz ve bakimli gorunmelerine takiyorum. Mesela bulasik makinamiz olmadigi icin, elde yikanan cam ve metalleri hemen kuruluyorum cunku ustunde kalan kirec lekeleri beni rahatsiz ediyor.

    Bu arada, buhar makinasinin dibindeki nesne ve kettle'in dibi yine kirec tuttu, bunlari sirkeyle mi ovuyorduk, nasildi o operasyon? :-)

  5. Evet, sirke. Bunlari tum lekeleri ortecek kadar suyla doldur, ondan sonra da iclerine beyaz sirke ekle, hatta biraz kalin tuz da koy. Birkac saat bekle, sonra da deterjanla yika.
